This renewable heating project was supported and funded by Stratford-upon-Avon District Council and the Heat Networks Delivery Unit (HNDU) of the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
We appraised the viability and assessed the risks associated with several renewable district energy network opportunities in the Stratford-upon-Avon area. The proposed network comprised several large strategic sites designated for development, including the Canal Quarter development area and the Long Marsten Airfield Garden Village development.
We were commissioned to undertake heat-mapping and masterplanning studies for five areas. This was followed by a detailed feasibility study for the proposed renewable heating network in the Canal Quarter development in Stratford-upon-Avon town centre – a mixed development, largely consisting of residential.
This involved:
- Undertaking an energy demand and supply assessment to identify potential key energy demands and potentially useful heat supplies
- Identifying viable network and scheme options that considered heat pump and gas CHP technologies
- Providing recommendations to determine the best approach to deliver priority district energy network opportunities
- Identifying key stakeholders with a role to play in the delivery of district energy networks
- Identifying priority areas within strategic sites where district energy schemes may be viable
- Concept design, route planning and techno-economic modelling
Two opportunities were identified. The preferred option consisted of a phased network served by a large canal source heat pump, with a self-supply arrangement for electricity from a small gas CHP engine to the heat pump. A potential parallel solution, also identified as economic, included a small gas CHP and a large high-temperature air source heat pump.