Procurement and Contracting

Effective procurement and contracting during construction phase is essential to ensure that design specifications are carried through to the as-built system, and that project costs are managed in a clear and fair manner.

At Sustainable Energy we have a proven track record of effective procurement of services and equipment, from initial technical specification through to tendering, supplier/contractor selection and contract management. Our procurement routes have included competitive tender via the European Journal, JCT and NEC3 contracts and sole supplier sales and maintenance agreements for specialist equipment items.


Our procurement processes and documentation have been developed in accordance with Public Sector procurement requirements.

Our services include:

  • Independent technology reviews and market assessment
  • Pre-qualification reviews for suppliers and contractors
  • Development of Invitation To Tender documents
  • Setting out procurement contracts
  • Issuing of Intermediate and Completion certificates
  • Cost management services during construction
  • Verification of contract variations
  • Final contract close out

Because we are not affiliated to any equipment manufacturers or contractors, we are able to maintain independence and an open mind throughout equipment and service selection and specification.