District Heating

We have a UK leading track record in developing district heating projects. We have provided heat mapping, energy masterplanning, heat network design, and impartial technical support throughout installation and commissioning of energy centres, networks, and heat offtake substations. Our wide range of clients including Government departments, Local Authorities, Universities, and large private sector clients and we have worked on many projects sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s Heat Network Delivery Unit.

  • We are implementation-focused with unrivalled experience of delivering district heating projects from feasibility, techno-economic modelling and design through to implementation
  • Our team of engineers, sustainability consultants and modelling experts hold market leading experience across all low carbon and renewable technology options including heat pumps, biomass, gas CHP, Energy from Waste, biofuels, future gas mixes, municipal waste heat, industrial waste heat, and anaerobic digestion
  • We are experienced district energy scheme designers (having designed district heating schemes to RIBA stage 4) and contribute to industry guidelines and design standards such as the CIBSE Heat Networks Code of Practice
  • We understand that developing a decentralised energy project requires more than technical engineering expertise – we have 18 years’ experience of identifying and resolving issues relating to stakeholder engagement, commercial arrangements, economic modelling, planning, the environment, and health and safety
